Monday, September 3, 2012

Blood Lust

Blood Lust

I can't say that I knew very much about blood until recently.  Red and white cells, oxygen, iron... high while cells mean infection, low weighted red mean you can't give blood... the simple things.  That seems like a lifetime ago.  Let me start from the beginning.

I'm 44, and I've been tired, physically and emotionally, for years.  I saw doctors and had blood tests, it was all attributed to an infection, or my weight (which has been increasing over the years with no decrease, although I've been trying), or a plethora of other reasons, that usually sent me home from the doctor with antibiotics and some sort of infection diagnosis.  

Around 2 years ago, It all started going down hill... I've always been physically strong, but that started to decrease. 

Speaking of exhaustion, that's it for now.  More later.  xoxo

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